Download Mako Driver

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The Mako Server for Android is a native application that must be started from a terminal emulator. You can run the Mako Server on a standard (non rooted) Android or on a rooted Android. Only a rooted Android enables the Mako Server to open the server's default port numbers 80 and 443. The server uses alternative port numbers for non rooted Androids (typically 9357 for HTTP and 9443 for HTTPS).

The instructions below are for standard non rooted and rooted Androids.

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Command line installation instructions:

  1. Install BusyBox for Android
    • Install BusyBox Non-Root for standard non rooted Android.
    • Install BusyBox for rooted Android.
  2. Start the Terminal Emulator via BusyBox (will be installed if it's not already installed).
  3. Make sure you have the BusyBox PATH environment variable set. You can test this by typing wget in the console. You should see wget printing out some information.
  4. Using the Android's browser, copy the command sequence below. To copy, click the text to activate it and then click and hold until you see the copy icon. Click the select all button if the text is not selected (blue) before clicking the copy button (red).
  5. Paste the command sequence into the Terminal Emulator window started via BusyBox and press enter.
Installation commands:
cd;mkdir mako;cd mako;wget;tar xvzf;./

The above command sequence downloads the Mako Server archive and unpacks the archive. The last command in the list above instructs the Mako Server to load and run the tutorials.

Use your phone browser and navigate to http://localhost:portno, where portno is the server's listen port number. The server's listen port number is printed to the terminal window and is 80 for rooted androids and typically 9357 for non rooted Androids.


We recommend using the Chrome browser and not the default Android web browser since the default web browser does not support WebSocket. WebSockets are used by some of the demos and tutorials.

You can also map your phone as a Windows drive when the Mako Server is running the downloaded demos. To map/mount your phone: Click the Windows Start button, Right-click Computer, Click Map Network Drive..., enter http://phone-ip-addr:portno/fs/ and click the finish button.

You can find your Android phone's IP address connected to your local wireless network as follows: Wireless Controls > Wi-Fi settings > tap on the network you are connected to. It will pop up a dialog with network status and IP address.

When you are done testing the Mako Server, press CTRL-C in the terminal window or exit the Terminal Application. Note: you may consider using an alternative keyboard such as the Hacker's Keyboard, which supports CTRL-C.

Starting the Mako Server with the '-d' option makes the server run as a background (daemon) process. The background process will not be subject to Android's process management and will run until explicitly terminated via the terminal window or after a phone reboot.

Using the Tutorials

All tutorials can be used on the phone, however, the Pac-Man game must be controlled from another computer using a telnet client. The WebDAV server demo, which is embedded in the tutorials, also requires that you connect to it from another computer. The following instructions are for setting up the environment for these two examples.

Download mako driver download

Playing the Pac-Man game:

Download Mako Driver Full

  1. Make sure the phone's wifi is enabled and connected to the local network, where at least one PC is connected.
  2. Install Putty on the PC:
  3. Start the server on the phone
  4. Start the Pac-Man game on the phone using the Chrome browser
  5. The Pac-Man game opens and prints out the IP address of the phone and the port number used by the telnet server
  6. Start Putty on the PC, select telnet as protocol, enter the phone's IP address and the port number used by the telnet server (usually 2000)
  7. Click the Open button in Putty to connect to the telnet server running on the phone

You can now control the Pac-Man game running on your phone from a PC.

Using the WebDAV (network) server:

  1. Test the network connection to your phone by entering the following URL in your PC's browser: http://phone-IP-address:9357/fs/, where phone IP address is found as explained above.
  2. Click the start button and right click Computer
  3. Select 'Map Network Drive...'
  4. In the Folder field, enter the address: http://phone-IP-address:9357/fs/, where phone IP address is found as explained above
  5. Click finish

The phone should now be mapped as a network drive in Windows.

Note: The server has limited access on the phone and many of the phone's directories cannot be opened. One option is to map the following URL instead of the URL above. The following URL is to the cache directory of the Android app, a directory with both read and write access: http://phone-IP-address:9357/fs/data/data/


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Not all Android devices respond to ARP requests. This means that Putty and WebDAV will not be able to connect to the phone. To circumvent this problem, Open Chrome on the phone, enter the IP address of the PC in the address field, and click Go. This command will fail, but it will populate the PC's ARP cache. You should now be able to connect Putty to the telnet server on the phone.

The PC IP address can be found as follows:

Download Mako Driver Windows 10

  1. Open Network Connections by clicking the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type adapter, and then, under Network and Sharing Center, click View network connections.
  2. Select an active network connection, and then, in the toolbar, click View status of this connection.
  3. Click Details.

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Your computer's IP address appears in the Value column, next to IPv4 Address.