DTK Driver

The Driver Knowledge Test is the first step towards getting your driver licence. You must pass the DKT to get your learner licence.

Thank you for your recent purchase of a Cintiq 22HD pen or Cintiq 22HD pen & touch display and welcome to the Wacom family. To get you up and running, we offer you free valuable software, as well as installation videos, webinars, blogs and software tutorials. DTK-2451/DTH-2452 provides a comfortable work surface for writing and signing eDocuments or annotating directly on presentations. Multi-touch functionality is available for DTH-2452 only. If you're sitting a Driver Knowledge Test (DKT) or the Hazard Perception Test (HPT) at a Service NSW service centre, you're required to wear a mask when undertaking the test at the testing terminal. If you don't have your own mask, the service centre will supply you with a disposable one.

On this page

Book a Driver Knowledge Test

When you're ready to take the test, you'll need to make a booking and pay the test fee.

Dtk driver

What is the Driver Knowledge Test?

The DKT is a computer-based road rules knowledge test. You have to answer 45 questions. You'll have to pay a test fee each time you attempt the test.

The computer selects the questions at random from a question bank of 600 questions. There are different tests for each class of licence.

The test includes:

  • 15 general knowledge questions (you need to get at least 12 correct)
  • 30 road safety questions (you need to get at least 29 correct)

The test will end immediately if you get:

  • 4 questions wrong in the general knowledge section
  • 2 wrong in the road safety section

You should read each question carefully before answering as there's no time limit to complete the test.

Languages other than English

The DKT is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek, Korean, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese.

Dk drive a tugboat

A free interpreter service is available to people who need to take the test in other languages. Call 13 22 13 to arrange an interpreter.

People with special needs or learning difficulties

If you have trouble understanding or reading the questions, staff can read questions out and explain them.

An audio version of the test (where you listen to the questions through headphones) is also available, in all of the above languages.

If you have special needs, you (or your representative) can call 13 22 13 to make arrangements before you book the test.

How to study for the test

Everything you need to know to pass the DKT is in the handbooks. You can read them for free online or buy them from any service centre:

There are no shortcuts to passing the test. If you don’t study the handbook, you are unlikely to pass.

Take the practice test

Use our free practice tests to get familiar with the test questions and decide if you’re ready to take the test. You can either:

  • Take the Practice Driver Knowledge Test online
  • Download the Practice Test app from the App Store or from Google Play

The practice tests are just like the real test, with 45 questions drawn from the question bank. They're available in the same languages as the real test.

Unlike the actual test, the practice DKT allows you to finish all 45 questions no matter how many you get wrong. At the end of the practice test, you'll be told if you passed or failed.

Read the question banks

The DKT question banks include all the questions that can be asked during the test. There are 3 answer options given for each question and the correct answer is shown in bold text.

Question banks:

Dtk Drivers

NAME MANUF. Socket/Slot Chipset
PRM-23I E1 DTK Computer Slot 1/Socket 370 Intel 810
PRM-23I E0 DTK Computer Socket 370 Intel 810
PRM-20I E0 DTK Computer Slot 1/Socket 370 Intel 810
PRM-68I DTK Computer Slot 1/Socket 370 Intel 810
PRM-0061I DTK Computer Dual Slot 1 Intel 440BX
PRM-0081I DTK Computer Dual Slot 1 Intel 440BX
PRM-0081I E0 DTK Computer Dual Slot 1 Intel 440BX
PRM-0081I E1 DTK Computer Dual Slot 1 Intel 440BX
PRM-0080I DTK Computer Slot 1 Intel 440BX
PRM-0084I DTK Computer Slot 1 Intel 440BX
PRM-27I DTK Computer Socket 370 Intel 440BX
PRM-0080I ZX DTK Computer Slot 1 Intel 440ZX
PRM-0084I ZX DTK Computer Slot 1 Intel 440ZX
PRM-20I E1 DTK Computer Slot 1/Socket 370 Intel 810e
PRM-0080I V133 DTK Computer Slot 1 VIA Apollo Pro 133
PRM-92V E0 DTK Computer Slot 1 VIA Apollo Pro 133
PRM-27IV DTK Computer Socket 370 VIA Apollo Pro 133
PAM-0052V DTK Computer Socket 7 VIA MVP3
PAM-0067V E1 DTK Computer Socket 7 VIA VT82C598 Apollo MVP3
PAM-0079V DTK Computer Socket 7 VIA VT82C598 Apollo MVP3
PRM-95V4 DTK Computer Socket 370 VIA VT82C694X
PRM-29I E1
PRM-20I E0
PRM-23I E0
PRM-23I E1
PRM-68I E0
PRM-13I E0
PRM-13I E1
PRM-0081I E1
PRM-0081I E0
PRM-0080I E0
PRM-0080I E1
PRM-0080I ZX
PRM-0084I E0
PRM-0084I ZX
PRM-92V E0
lPRM-0080I VBX133
lPRM-0080I VBX
lPRM-0084I VBX
lPRM-0061I VBX
PRM-0076I E0
PRM-0076I E1
PAM-0057I E0
PAM-0057I E1
PAM-0056I E0
PAM-0056I E1
PAM-0056I E2
PAM-0054I E0
PAM-0054I E1
PAM-0067V E0
PAM-0067V E1
PAM-0070S E0
PAM-0070S E1
PRM-0084i ZX
PRM-0084i VBX
PRM-0081i E0 / E1
PRM-0080i ZX
PRM-0080i VBX
PRM-0080i E1
PRM-0080i E0
PRM-0076i E1
PRM-0076i E0
PRM-0068i E0
PRM-0061i VBX
PAM-0070S E0 / E1
PAM-0067V v.E1
PAM-0067V v.E0
PAM-0057i E0 / E1
PAM-0056i E0 / E1 / E2
PAM-0054i E0 / E1
PAM-0052V E0
PKM-0038S v6.03
PKM-0038S v3.x